Cattle Show Leads


Cattle Show Leads



  • Regular chain link no covering or prong


  • Designed with prongs for training purposes and to help control stubborn or hard to handle animals

Sure Hand

  • the Sure Hand Lead with its unique foam grip handle and chain encourages a strong or stubborn animal to keep its head up while requiring less strength from the exhibitor

Sure Hand Barbed

  • Sure Hand Lead with its unique foam grip handle and chain encourages a strong or stubborn animal to keep its head up while requiring less strength from the exhibitor
  • Features a 14″ pronged/barbed chain.

Covered Coated

  • The durable, non-sticky, heat-sealed black polymer blend material covering on the traditional lead chain provides a comfortable grip for the handler and is great for animals sensitive to the sound and feel of a chain as it slides through the halter


  • This braided riveted leather lead encourages the animal to keep its head up in a less aggressive manner than a barbed lead as an option where barbed leads are not recommended or allowed

Nose Lead

  • This synthetic leather lead can be attached to a nose ring to gain better control in the show ring

Heads Up

  • Bolts into existing chain
  • This unique lead allows exhibitors to keep the head up and maintain control when showing bigger cattle
  • It’s safe when leading, allowing them to stay farther away and avoid get stepped on